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Global Treasures 43047


 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43047
 Title: Horezu
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2021

In the midst of the wooded hills of Oltenia´s Carpathian countryside is the Horezu Monastery that was donated by Prince Constantin Brâncoveanu. The building was constructed in 1690 to defend the western region of the country and the settlement comprises five churches, a sanctuary for the infirm and various monks’ cells.

Sculptures of stone and floral motifs decorate the external walls of the monastery´s main church. Its wall paintings were created by twelve artists under the direction of Masters Constantinos and Ioan between 1692 and 1702 and represent the beginning of the Brâncoveanu Style.

The library, the Princes´ House that today contains the monastery's art collection, the Refectorium with its old paintings, and finally the Treasury that contains icons and precious silver objects that date back to the Brâncoveanu period, are each extremely valuable.

The Brâncoveanu style first gained recognition as early as the 18th century. It soon spread throughout Walachia and Transylvania. Thanks to the refined art of this time, the Horezu Monastery has been designated as a World Heritage Site by Unesco.