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Global Treasures 43077

Tour Hassan

 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43077
 Title: Tour Hassan
 Languages: E De Cz
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2007

The 44 metre high Tour Hassan is situated in Rabat, capital of Morocco. The building of the Tour Hassan and the Grand Mosque – which was planned to be North Africa’s largest - were commissioned at the end of the 12th century by the King of the Almohades, Yacoub El Mansour. However, building of the Mosque was never completed and it gradually fell into decay.

Nearby, the magnificent mausoleum of King Mohammed V and his son, King Hassan II. A successful synthesis of traditional artistic craftsmanship and modern architecture, the magnificent mausoleum was designed by a Vietnamese architect.

A masculine symbol of Rabat, the Tour Hassan stands proud above the ruins of the unfinished mosque. Together with the Royal Mausoleum, the area around the Minaret unites both past and present.