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Global Treasures 43191


 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43191
 Title: Panauti
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2007

The dreamy Nepalese town of Panauti is located around thirty kilometres south east of Kathmandu and unlike other nearby villages and towns its original atmosphere has managed to survive the rigours of time.

This traditional Newar settlement has a particularly rural character and a variety of farm products are offered for sale throughout the town.

Panauti boasts a large number of fascinating temples and in the centre of its temple complex is the fifteenth century Indreshvara Temple.

Panauti’s deep religious significance is closely associated with its unique geographical location and two rivers. According to traditional Nepalese Hindu belief the confluence of the two rivers has always been considered to be a sacred place.

Panauti’s sanctuaries and temples have had a remarkable influence on this fascinating Nepalese town and for several centuries they have enriched this otherwise modest and humble Newar settlement.