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Global Treasures 43229

Si Satchanalai

 Film Details


 : Global Television
 Episode Number: 43229
 Title: Si Satchanalai
 Languages: E De
  10 Mins
 Produced: 2008

Around four hundred and twenty kilometres from the Thai metropolis of Bangkok in the far north of the central plains, is the legendary city of Si Satchanalai. Today only sad ruins testify to the splendour of the former twin city and ancient capital of Sukhothai. However, after Si Satchanalai had lain in ruins for many centuries some areas of the city were restored by teams of dedicated archaeologists.

The city dates back to the 13th century and at that time Si Satchanalai was the official residence of the viceroy of Thailand’s first important kingdom during the Sukhothai Period.

The Wat Chang Lom Temple is one of the most remarkable sanctuaries in the heart of the old city. The builder of this temple site was one of the most famous rulers of Sukhothai, King Ramkhamhaeng.

Close to the river banks of the Menam Yom is the great Laterite Prang that was originally built in early Khmer design and was later embellished with stucco work. This cult building is the most important attraction of the Wat Chao Chan.

Later, Si Satchanlai lost its political influence. Shortly after this the people began to vacate their city leaving not only their fine statues but also the place that they loved.